Systems Thinking for Software Professionals - Diana Montalion - Explore DDD 2024, LLocalSearch, Anti-If, The missing patterns
« We need a hierarchy to support mastery and knowledge flow […]. In a system the higher level is all about paraphrasing non system thinking language, making life good for the lower levels activities. It is about creating an ecosystem in which lower levels activities can scale and thrive, it is not about command and control. The best systems function without need for central executive control. […] And this would lead to patterns that create initiative driven development, meaning we understand what we need think to do, and think about, and care about, and then we can work together and inventing our own processes, or following tried and true processes to be able to do hard things together. And when that is happening, every day you work you increase your value, because you gain experience, you gain expertise, you’ve tested your critical thinking »
Une vidéo ! Tout à fait possible de la suivre sans l'image. J'en regarde peu, mais celle-ci donne un bon aperçu des travaux de Diana Montalion. Dans celle-ci plus spécifiquement, elle donne une bonne idée de l'impact des modèles mentaux sur les systèmes (socio et techniques).
Je suis Diana Montalion depuis seulement quelques mois. Je l'ai découverte par son bouquin "Learning Systems Thinking", que je n'ai pas terminé, et dont les premières pages m'ont mis une belle claque. J'ai également suivi un de ses workshops avec un collègue, orienté autour des effets de l'écriture sur notre façon de penser. Le workshop n'est pas nécessairement allé loin, mais donne à voir sur un autre bouquin et d'autres workshop à ce propos.
LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the final answer. No OpenAI or Google API keys are needed.
Un équivalent local de !
Around 10 years ago I encountered the anti-if campaign and found it to be an absurd concept. How on earth would you make a useful program without using an if statement? Preposterous.
But then it gets you thinking. Do you remember that heavily nested code you had to understand last week? That kinda sucked right? If only there was a way to make it simpler.
The anti-if campaign site is sadly low on practical advice. This post intends to remedy that with a collection of patterns you can adopt when the need arises. But first let’s look at the problem that if statements pose.
Pas des tonnes de patterns dans cet article, mais suffisamment pour illustrer le contexte et inciter à se poser la question : y a-t-il un autre moyen de représenter des comportements alternatifs de mon application que par de fragiles if