Company culture is the last 50 days, Death by a thousand microservices, Learn to Read Causal Loop Diagrams
There's nothing complicated about company culture.
Culture simply happens. It's emergent behavior. There's nothing to do, it just is.
A company's culture is a 50-day moving average. It's what you've been collectively doing as a company over the last 50 days.
Très court ! J'imagine que 50 jours sont suffisants pour la taille de 37signals. Selon leur CEO Jason Fried, ils étaient 80 en 2022. Je pense qu'en terme d'échelle on est pas si loin de ce nombre de jours, ce qui correspond à ce que j'ai déjà pu entendre sur les "transformations" :
un changement n'a pris que lorsque chaque personne dans l'organisation l'implémente.
Et vous, combien êtes-vous ? À quelle vitesse vos changements se propagent-ils ?
Trigger warning: Some people understandably got salty when I name-checked JavaScript and NodeJS as a source of the problem
There are a few events in recent history that may have contributed to the current state of things. First, a whole army of developers writing JavaScript for the browser started self-identifying as “full-stack”, diving into server development and asynchronous code. JavaScript is JavaScript, right? What difference does it make what you create using it - user interfaces, servers, games, or embedded systems. Right? Node was still kind of a learning project of one person, and the early JavaScript was a deeply problematic choice for server development. Pointing this out to still green server-side developers usually resulted in a lot of huffing and puffing. This is all they knew, after all. The world outside of Node effectively did not exist, the Node way was the only way, and so this was the genesis of the stubborn, dogmatic thinking that we are dealing with to this day.
Back in the days when the tech industry was not such a bloated farce, distributed systems were respected, feared, and generally avoided - reserved only as the weapon of last resort for particularly gnarly problems. Everything with a distributed system becomes more challenging and time-consuming - development, debugging, deployment, testing, resilience. But I don’t know - maybe it’s all super easy now because toooollling.
There is no standard tooling for microservices-based development - there is no common framework. Working on distributed systems has gotten only marginally easier in 2020s. The Dockers and the Kuberneteses of the world did not magically take away the inherent complexity of a distributed setup.
There are multiple pitfalls to building with microservices, and often that minefield is either not fully appreciated or simply ignored. Teams spend months writing highly customized tooling and learning lessons not related at all to the core product. Here are just some often overlooked aspects…
Un peu de microservice bashing parce que ça me manquait. Le trigger warning du début m’a fait penser que je n’étais probablement pas le seul à avoir pensé que certains devs node avaient réinventé la roue.
La liste des problèmes cités est connue de longue date, notamment parce que tous les articles critiques en parlent, mais surtout car il s’agit de systèmes distribués. J’ai cependant pas mal aimé le rappel des grosses boites à succès qui ont décollé (et parfois encore persisté) sur des monolithes.
J’ai aussi aimé le passage sur le doute des autres dev/ingés, je l’ai eu également. Quand la majorité de la masse part dans la même direction, on peut légitimement se demander si on a raison.
Most of our posts include causal loop diagrams because some things are better expressed with a visual model than in words alone. Systems thinking takes on complex, dynamic systems and how they behave over time, which calls for a different sort of language. This quick tutorial will teach you the basics about reading causal loop diagrams through a Population model.
Le type d'outil que j'utilise quand je ne sais pas par quel bout attaquer un système. Une chose que j'ai apprise dans cette page, c'est la représentation des délais dans les boucles de feedback. En bas de page il y a tout un paquet de use cases et autres tuto pour appréhender le system thinking !