JavaScript, V8 Engine, Self-hosting a mail server in 2019, trpc / trpc 🧙♀️ Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy., We can save what matters about writing—at a price
When a fetch request is made, instead of waiting for it to complete, its callback gets added to the Web API. The browser then sets up to listen for the response from the network.
The fetch frame then gets popped off the stack & the engine continues execution.
When the network request is received, the callback is passed to the Callback Queue.
Un tutoriel animé, très court, qui montre quelques fonctionnements essentiels de V8. Hyper simple à saisir.
After a short research I started a Postfix instance in a docker container. A few hours later I successfully configured my domain to work with the SMTP server and sent a test email. It arrived in the SPAM folder of my Gmail account.
Oui, parce que je cherche à héberger mon serveur SMTP … C'est tout de même assez dingue de voir que quelque chose qui devrait être accessible à tout le monde (non sans certaines compétences certes) est en réalité très difficile à mettre en place, et que cela est essentiellement dû aux différentes règles imposées par chacun des hébergeurs mails.
tRPC allows you to easily build & consume fully typesafe APIs without schemas or code generation.
Un repo github d’une lib qui permet d’assister les développements en signalant des erreurs de type lorsque la consommation d’API côté client ne correspond plus à la signature côté serveur. Du type checking cross appli donc, malgré la rupture d’intégration de code !
Making it harder to cheat is not a bad idea. But the MLA-CCCC task force doesn’t dwell on this cynical angle. Instead they suggest that we should foreground “process knowledge” and “metacognition” because those things were always the point of writing instruction. This is much the same thesis Corey Robin explores at the end of his post when he compares writing to psychotherapy: “Only on the couch have I been led to externalize myself, to throw my thoughts and feelings onto a screen and to look at them, to see them as something other, coldly and from a distance, the way I do when I write.”
Yes, that could happen. So this is where we reach the slightly edgier spin I feel we need to put on “teach the process” — which is that, over the long run, we can only save what matters about writing if we’re willing to learn something ourselves. It isn’t a good long-term strategy for us to approach these questions with the attitude that we (professors) have a fixed repository of wisdom — and the only thing AI should ever force us to discuss is, how to convey that wisdom effectively to students. If we take that approach, then yes, the game is over as soon as a model learns what we know. It will become possible to “cheat” by simulating learning.
Un avis sur une approche possible des enseignants vis à vis de l'utilisation des IA génératives sur les travaux écrits. Un des articles liés m'a également tapé dans l'oeil "Will 2024 Look Like 1984?".